MEX Real Time Traffic Information
MEX real-time traffic updates provide full visibility of traffic information on MEX and offer timely alerts to highway users while on the road. Real-time traffic updates provide reports on congestion, road closures and other situations that may affect travel time. These alerts help highway users to plan their journey, anticipate traffic congestion and plan alternative routes to their destination.
Real-time traffic information at MEX is dispersed through three channels;
- Variable Message Signage (VMS)
VMS is one of highway facilities that facilitate the smooth flow of traffic on MEX. Travellers may access real-time traffic updates via VMS installed at KM 16.9, KM8.8, KM15.3 and KM3.0.The VMS is in red, green and amber lights to alert users driving along MEX alignment for the latest traffic information relayed by the Traffic Control Surveillance Centre (TCSC). It provides means for the TCSC to communicate with users who are driving along the expressway, offering relevant traffic information, advice and important updates. Prompted by the information relayed at VMS, highway users may seek alternative routes to reach their destination. - MEX Helpline
MEX Helpline – 03 8315 9111 is a 24/7 communication line that connects users directly to Traffic Control Surveillance Centre (TCSC). For any feedback, inquiries or requests for support along MEX alignment, you can contact the MEX Helpline and communicate with our Traffic Controllers. - X social media page – MEX HW 03-83159111
For the past few years, social media platforms have become a trend for highway operators to disseminate latest information and news on traffic conditions. With no exception for MEX, we provide easy access to real time traffic updates through MEX’s X social media page - MEX HW 03-83159111. For users planning their journey ahead, traffic updates are provided minute-by-minute by the Traffic Control Surveillance Centre (TCSC). The time, location and descriptions shared in our social media posts can be fully utilized to plan necessary actions and avoid any inconveniences or incidents. For convenient access to the latest information about MEX, do not forget to follow MEX’s X social media page!